May 15, 2024
Daniel 11:1-45 Bible Study Worksheet
God knows about the future in advance and reigns sovereign over the rise and fall of all kingdoms great and small, directing history according to his providential plan.
God raised up Medo-Persia and Greece According to His _______ and __________ (11:1-4)
Four great empires in relation to Israel described in Daniel 2 and 7: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
God supports and protects as he ___________ (11:1-2)
Daniel 11 hinges on Chapter 10 and Gabriel has informed Daniel that he came on the scene “to ____________ and protect” Darius the Mede (Cyrus) in the first year of his reign (539 BC).
This is important because that same year Cyrus issued a decree allowing the Jews to return to Israel.
God ________ and divides as he chooses (11:3-4)
There is a ______ year gap between verses 2-3.
God __________ up Egypt and Syria According to His Plan and Purposes (11:5-20)
The more significant global power is Rome, the new “_____ ______” arising in the background. They play this political ping-pong with the nation of Israel for almost 175 years until the evil, antichrist-type figure Antiochus IV (175-163 BC).
The South (Ptolemies in Egypt) The North (Seleucids in Syria)
God gave Egypt victory, but its king exalted himself (11:5-12)
Period of Ptolemaic or Egyptian dominance. “The King of the South”
Ptolemy I Soter.
Ptolemy II made a treaty of _______ with the Seleucid ruler, Antiochus II Theos (grandson to Seleucus) through an alliance.
Berenice, Ptolemy’s daughter (The daughter of the King of the south), was arranged to marry Antiochus (The King of the North)
The seal of the agreement between the _____ kingdoms (v.6)
V.7 refers to Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III Euergetes who succeeded his father to the throne of Egypt.
In retaliation for his sister’s murder, Ptolemy III attacked Syria (The King of the North) with a great army. This war lasted __ years.
V. 9 The subject is the “King of the North” He attempted to ________ Egypt but his attack was brief for he returned home shortly after.
The Syrian king Seleucus II dies but his sons Seleucus III (Ceraunus and Antiochus III continued their __________ with the Ptolemies (V.10).
Seleucus III was murdered after a brief ___ year reign, and his brother came to power.
Ptolemy IV Philopater launched a counterattack & he won a great __________.
God gave Syria victory, but its king was willful and __________ (11:13-20)
Philip V of Macedon rose up against the King of the South including ________ men from the Jews that aided Antiochus.
After the defeat of Egyptians, Antiochus acquired complete _________ over Phoenicia and Palestine. “He will do whatever he wants” (v.16)
The Syrians forced their terms of _________ on the Egyptian king (v. 17) to seal the deal.
In 191 BC the Romans, fighting with their Greek allies, forced the Syrians to __________ from Greece and flee to Asia Minor.
________ Roman troops pursued Antiochus into Asia and defeated his ________ man army at the battle of Magnesia near Smyrna (Turkey) in 190 BC.
History _________ as God says it will happen. Kingdoms come and go. They live and die. They win and lose. And our God in heaven watches it all and laughs. (Ps. 2:4)
God Raised up a Contemptible Person to Refine, Purify and _________ His People (11:21-35)
The Arch Enemies of God’s people go by many names. Bible refers to him as “little ______, Coming ruler, Man of _____________, Man doomed to destruction, ________” (Daniel 7:9; 9:26, 2 Thess. 2:3; Rev. 13:1-10) but we know him more commonly as the Antichrist (1 John 2:18,22; 4:2-3; 2 John 7).
Beware of using ________ and deceit (11:21-24).
“Despised person”
Guard your heart and tongue (11:25-28).
Evil men _________ in evil deeds. Evil hearts ________ evil words (James 3:5-8).
Antiochus returned to Syria, and upon his return an insurrection of the Jews was in progress, and his heart was “set against the holy covenant” Isaiah 11:28.
Then the persecution of the Jews by this _____ tyrant had now escalated to enormous proportions.
Antiochus crushed the rebellion as he massacred _________ men, women, and children (2 Macc. 5:12-21) and then stole.
Humans out of wicked hearts may _____, intimidate, and negotiate endlessly. They may plot, rebel, murder, and pillage.
Embrace God’s work in spite of difficulty and ____________ (11:29-35)
As the God of history orchestrates his plan for his people, we see Antiochus launch yet another campaign against Egypt, but this time there was a different outcome.
The Roman commander Gaius Popilius Lenas humiliated Antiochus, leaving him embarrassed and angry, and he turned that anger toward the Jews.
Antiochus sent the head of his mercenaries to _______ the Jews, massacring many people and plundering the city (1 Macc. 1:30-32; 2 Macc. 5:25-26).
He awarded the _________ Jews, those that abandoned the holy covenant, (Daniel 11:30); (1 Macc. 1:30-32; 2 Macc. 4:7-17).
Antiochus used __________ in order to entice people to support his policies (1 Macc. 2:18; 2 Macc.7:24). This corrupted the apostate Jews who “act wickedly” (Dan. 11:32).
But there remained in the _______ faithful believers (those who know their God) (1 Macc. 1:62-63) “Many in Israel stood firm and were resolved in their hearts not to eat unclean food, and chose to die rather than be defiled by the profane holy covenant. And they did die.”
Those who have _________ (Dan. 11:33) are the Israelites who have spiritual discernment, the true believers.
Antiochus IV died a horrible death of insanity in 163 BC
God will Raise up the Antichrist, who will _______ and __________ Himself as God (11:36-45)
Therefore the man that is described here is an end-time personality.
He will ________ himself (11:36-39)
The antichrist is a _____-willed man. He will do whatever he wants. He is egomaniacal.
He will exalt and magnify himself above every god. He sees himself as a ______ man.
He will say _____________ things against the God of gods. He is a gross blasphemer.
He will be successful until the time of _______ (God’s judgment) is complete.
The antichrist has no ________ for God or humanity because he serves a different god in addition to himself.
He will be a man of __________ conquest (11:40-45)
The vision of the future is presented in terms of experience, __________, and events of the present.
At the end of the age, the antichrist, now identified as “the King of the North,” will be attacked by “the King of the South,” but the antichrist will win a resounding victory (40). This will allow him to _________ into other countries and sweep through them like a flood.