Daniel- Chapter 8


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Adult bible study

Apr. 17, 2024

Bible Study: Daniel 8:1-27 Worksheet

This chapter is broken up into two major sections: (1) A ________(1-14)  (2) the ______________ (15-27)

God gave Daniel a __________ (Daniel 8:1-4)

Those who know nothing of extreme opposition and adversity fear God’s judgment on the nations. Why? Because they will experience the fall out of that judgment in some way.  

God, who knows the future, predicted the _______ of Medo-Persia (8:1-4)

Daniel received this second vision (1st - ch.7) - first year of Belshazzar’s reign - 553 BC), the year (550 BC.) which was two or three years later.

This vision takes place “in the fortress city of Susa, in the province of Elam… beside the Ulai Canal”

This location is physically ______miles east of Babylon and _____miles north of the Persian Gulf (Modern day Iran).

Daniel “looked up, and there was a ______” 

_____long horns, one was longer than the other, and the longer one came up last”

The ram was an appropriate symbol for this empire in the vision, as the Persians themselves used the animal as they marched into _________. 

God, who knows the future, predicted the rise of Greece and ____________ the Great (8:5-8)

The ram looked _____________until it was swiftly attacked by a male goat. 

The male goat comes from the west so fast he does not even touch the ground, and the whole earth feels his _______. 

All agree that this is Greece (the _______goat) and Alexander the Great (the conspicuous ______).

His armies came against Persia with “a ________fury” or a “powerful wrath”. 

This causes Alexander and _________to become great and powerful overnight. Then Alexander dies (“the large horn was broken”). 

_______kings will divide up his kingdom and continue in various forms until mighty Rome comes on the scene.

God, who knows the ____________, predicted the rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (8:9-14)

Chapter 7: 4 Beasts- Leopard had four heads, and we see that this empire eventually evolved into four separate kingdoms occurring after Alexander's death in 323 B.C. 

Antipater - Gained control of Greece and Macedonia

Lysimachus  - ruled Thrace and a large portion of Asia Minor

Seleucus I Nictator - governed Syria, Babylon, and a lot of the Middle East (everything except Palestine and Asia Minor).

Ptolemy I Soter - controlled Egypt and Palestine 

Students of scripture are again unanimous that this little horn is the _______king Antiochus IV. 

He would reign from 175-163 BC and __________ persecuted God’s people. 

Because of its _____________, and how it’s cataloged, liberal scholars have denied the authenticity of Daniel’s prophetic prediction. 

The Little horn of chapter 7, is not the same in chapter 8

The first is end-time _____________

The second is Antiochus IV, who does serve as an intensive antichrist in his time.

He persecuted Israel for ____ years beginning around 170 BC. 

He _________persecuted God’s people, which in his mind he had every right to do. 

Antiochus is claiming _________with God. 

He proclaims equality with God, and his reign of terror begins.

He stops the __________worship of sacrifice 

He destroys the place of God’s sanctuary. 

He threw the _______to the ground and considered it worthless.

God sent _____________ with an Interpretation (8:15-27)

What is the point of these visions? To reinforce in the Jewish exiles that the latter would not provide much help.

Understanding God’s Word requires ___________ assistance (8:15-17)

Daniel is watching this vision, trying to understand it, and Gabriel appears before him. 

He’s an angel of God (v.16) and his name means “Strong Man of God,” or “God is my Hero/ Warrior.”

Understanding God’s Word _____________ us for what is coming (8:18-26).

“I fell into a deep sleep”

Gabriel touches Daniel, getting him to his feet. Telling him “what will happen at the conclusion of the time of wrath” (v19)

Time when persecution (God’s __________of his people) under the Syrian Antiochus IV comes to an end.

Verses 20-22 

Reveal the two horned ram - _______and Persians

The shaggy goat - ___________

Large horn refers to the first king Alexander the Great

Four horns rise to become different nations but “without its original power.”


Verses 23-26

Antiochus Epiphanes, is referred to as a ____________king (v.23).

“A king of _________face.”

Verses 24-25

His __________will be great, He will cause outrageous destruction and succeed in whatever he does. He will ___________the powerful along with the holy people. He will cause _______to prosper through his cunning and by his influence. He will “in his own mind… exalt himself. “He will destroy many in a time of peace”. “He will even __________against the Prince of princes” (v25). “Yet he will be broken – not by human hands” (v. 25).

Despite the gravity and grotesqueness of this image, Gabriel affirms the vision is true (v.26)

He must _______________it for future generations.

Antiochus Epiphanes was violently _________against the Jews. He hated them and was determined to exterminate them and their religion. 

This all eventually led to what historians call the Maccabean ________in 164.

Understanding God’s Word can be personally _________________(8:27).

This _______Daniel out. Meaning that it overwhelmed him, scripture says that He was overcome and lay sick for days.”

Daniel’s sickness passed because God’s _________is sufficient. 

Daniel didn’t let the vision __________ him, he did his job and he trusted in God.